Tech Envy

In this episode, the Buddies sip Pomegranate Mules as they announce some sad news about the future of the podcast past Episode 100. But on a later note, Mike makes S’mike jealous of his new super-sexy Ultrabook, and the Buddies revisit their time travel experiments! Also: Lego Bugatti! Bloody tail […]


BIS Presents the Great Rochester Donut-Off!

Selflessly sacrificing their arteries for the greater good, the Buddies track down donuts from most of the best-reviewed donut shops in Rochester, NY and host the first ever Buddies In Space Great Rochester Donut-Off!!! Will your pick slay the competition? Listen and find out! Also: Donut shaming! Told-you-so’s! And Maury […]


The Buddies Break Their Own Timelines

In this very special episode of Buddies In Space, the Buddies chug Aloemelon Coolers and employ all of their improvisational acting chops in order to travel back in time and mess with their younger selves. Their timelines will never be the same… Plus: Hatred of Latin! Disney firing disagreements! Krav […]


The Japanese Beetle Lifestyle

In this episode, the Buddies do a blind Gin and Tonic tasting as they recount recent trips to Seabreeze and Bermuda and Mike’s son’s first viewing of Kubo and the Two Strings. Also: Metal credit cards! #Dadfails! And debilitating fears of broken glass! Listen to Original Podcast Here: […]


The Buddies Finally Saw Infinity War

Taking a brief respite from Guest Fest, the Buddies fly solo (duo?) as they throw back S’mike’s take on a take on the classic cocktail “Le Demon Vert” and finally break down all things Infinity War, from hidden messages to the best gags and more. Also: Mike’s Meyers Briggs results! […]


With Special Guest and Improv Jazz Maestro Robert Peters

In this episode, the Buddies suffer through an ultra-boozey Aperol/Whiskey/Averna Sicialano/Sake concoction along with special guest and super-cool musician Robert Peters, Mike’s former co-worker! Robert regales the trio with thrilling stories of life in the world of jazz, playing improvisational piano, auditioning in LA and so much more! Also: Thrilling […]
