I’ve updated a PEZ dispenser I made out of LEGO awhile back. This video shows you that very dispenser that I once discussed with Jackie Kashian on her podcast.
Jason Klamm on Brock Party
I was a guest on Brock Wilbur’s awesome “Brock Party” podcast and you can give that shit a listen now. We talk about a little bit of everything, and he was kind enough to let me talk about my silly book, too. Listen to the episode here: http://brockparty.podbean.com/e/episode-120-brandon-scott-wolf-megan-kelly-dunn-jason-klamm/
The Million McFly March is Tomorrow, From 9 AM to 6 PM! Here’s the Schedule
9 AM: Selling of raffle tickets, music begins and photo booth starts up 10:00: Costume contest #1 10:30: Raffle #1 11:00: Prop Contest #1 – Bring your props, too! 11:30: Raffle #2 12:00: Trivia Contest #1 12:30: Raffle #3 1:00: Hoverboard Decorating Contest – We bring the hoverboards, you decorate […]
Gore Vidal on Aaron Burr
A popular video from Vice-Precedence: Being Number Two in the White House, featuring none other than Gore Vidal, who called Matt Saxe and I “Better Interviewers than Ken Burns,” for some reason.
Vice Covers “Lords of Soaptown”
Vice’s Allie Conti just interviewed Jason about Lords of Soaptown. You can read it here: http://www.vice.com/read/a-new-documentary-alleges-that-the-idea-for-soap-shoes-was-stolen-from-some-teenage-pranksters-917
Why did New York City reject my suggestions for the Freedom Tower? (3/5/04)
(Originally posted 3/5/04) By Jason Klamm In case you’re unaware, yesterday New York City held a ceremony to celebrate the finished design for the building to take the place of the World Trade Center. Called “The Freedom Tower,” it will stand 1,776 feet. I suggested rounding up to 1,780 feet, because […]
I’m on Jackie Kashian’s “The Dork Forest” this week!
I’m super-proud to have been invited on Jackie Kashian’s legendary podcast “The Dork Forest,” in which I ramble like a genius for an hour about the many things she decided to let me talk about because she’s way too nice. Jackie was so gracious and funny, and I was honored […]
#JK2020 #JK2016
I haven’t worn this shirt in a long time. Feels good. #JK2020 pic.twitter.com/QZeoxq7pva — Jason Klamm (@JasonKlamm) June 26, 2015
A Drinking Game: My Cousin Vinny on July 11 at ACME NoHo
Yeah, I get it. That image is for Ferris Bueller, but this is the first time we’re doing “My Cousin Vinny.” Point is, I’ll be in my next “A Drinking Game” on July 11! Details here: https://www.stolendress.com/events/gaaa/