In this highly educational episode, the Buddies partake of S’mike’s original drink “Mike’s Melons” alongside their extra special guest, veteran sleep researcher and eminent Physio Data Analyst Erica Curasi! And yes, she also happens to be Mike’s wife…

Erica answers pre-submitted listener questions as she delves into all things sleep. And we mean all things sleep-related, including dreams! Like, what the hell do they mean?  Who dreams and who doesn’t? AND WHY DO WE HAVE THEM?!?!

Other sleep-ish topics include the best beds for sleep! Best positions for sleep! How to sleep better! How to treat sleep disorders! Sleep apnea! Sleep medications to avoid! Recreational activities to avoid!

And so. Much. More.

Listen to Original Podcast Here:
(via the Buddies in Space Podcast)


Mike’s Melons Recipe


2oz. Vodka

6oz.  Trader Joe’s Watermelon Cucumber Cooler

Fresh Basil


Muddles Basil in strainer

Add vodka and juice, shake well

Strain into tumbler filled with ice


