The Buddies plumb the depths of their day and find humor in the mundane, from laser gum cleanings to  shoveling snow off a deck over and over and over again. All while drinking “Mediocre ‘Fuck-You Winter!’ Mojitos.” You’ll even learn the super-secret recipe for simple syrup!


Things turn intriguing when Mike relays tales of studying the old moneyed rich in a college Sociology class, almost completely blowing S’mike’s mind. If you’ve ever wondered what Danny Wegman’s living room looks like, this is the podcast for you!

S’mike manages to drudge up even MORE stories about his bizarre younger life, including growing up kind of rich without realizing it and his father’s estranged relationship with the family. Next year Kurt Russel will be playing S’mike’s father a la Snake Pliskin in the based-on-a-true-story “Escape From Mississippi.”

Also: Mike’s review of a classy porn movie! Sexing up a romantic story about getting the Siuda’s together! S’mike’s ego-boosting audition reaction by a room full of oddly appreciative ladies!

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(via the Buddies in Space Podcast)

