A loyal fan has sent me irrefutable proof that my book is now available for purchase on Amazon.com (and at BarnesAndNoble.com, though that screenshot was much less fascinating) for $14.99.  I’m also told that, per my request, Amazon is pairing my book with only the most exclusive day-to-day calendars, as specifically related to memes (in this case, an hilarious series of 365 instances of people being mean to dogs).

As I likely, or should have, mentioned in my book, the success of a meme can only be judged in physical terms.  Analytics, facts and numbers can only do so much, when applied to the digitalness of the Internet and Internet-based materials.  It’s when the physicality of paper comes into the mix that the same analytics, facts and numbers actually start to mean something.  Having that physical thing in your hand, something you can watch literally reduce in mass before your eyes, day-by-day (in the case of a day-to-day calendar or a book you’ve vowed to slowly destroy), reminds us of the hope that we can fill life with, provided we do so through humanity’s most succinct and pure form of expression – the meme.

You can also buy the book for $41.99 NZ ($27.89 US) at this website, should you choose to do so.

– Jason C. Klamm, B.A.

Read more at postmodembook.com: http://bit.ly/1m8z3tp
