It’s Debbie Downer time, kiddos! The Buddies sip on dry soda and gin and fall into the Pit of Despair,  but instead of a lovable albino and the Six Fingered Man, instead the frightening real world creeps in.

Ahhhhhhhh! Real worlds are scary, amiright?

Depressing topics covered and mocked include police militarization, gerrymandering, racism and the allegations against the former lead singer of everyone’s favorite Canadian A Capella group, Moxy Fruvous!

Mike also relays his two, count ’em, TWO true experiences with having the NYPD draw guns on him and his friends. It was worse than it sounds. Also, he explains what taking Miracle Berry pills is like. Hint: bring lemons.

On the lighter side of depressing stuff, the Buddies review Spy (it was good!), British women bottling air (it’s stupid, but hey, good for them!) and writing kid’s books (it don’t take no college degree!)

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(via the Buddies in Space Podcast)


