Comedy on Vinyl Podcast Episode 100 – Matt Lieberman Interviews Jason about his 1999 album Shoestrings – with Guests James Urbaniak and Alex Salem

Matt Lieberman (Sourcefed, Afterbuzz, friend of the show) made the kind offer to interview me for our hundredth episode.  I assumed that meant “talk about my collection,” when what Matt had in mind was much more sinister – he wanted me to talk about my own comedy album from 1999.  Talk about m …

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Comedy on Vinyl Podcast Episode 98 – Mike Black on Robin Williams – A Night At The Met

The hilarious Mike Black is the first to nab a Robin Williams album.  We not only talk comedy, and Robin Williams, but there’s a little bit about film at the beginning, too.
Host: Jason Klamm
Producer: Mike Worden
This Week’s Guest: Mike Black
Mike Black on Facebook
Buy “A Night At The Me …

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Comedy on Vinyl Podcast Episode 97 – Dave Hill on Steve Martin – Wild and Crazy Guy

Dave Hill is on the show this week!  We sat down for “Wild and Crazy Guy” Mark II, and discuss Dave’s adventures mixing music and comedy in his act, performing in prisons, and temporarily ditching the comedy for some non-English speakers with some damn good taste in music.

(No clips in …

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Comedy on Vinyl Podcast Episode 95 – Taylor Jessen on The Credibility Gap – Floats

This week, Jason does his usual stellar job of keeping the show on track.  No, seriously, it gets worse.  Why?  Because Taylor Jessen is not only Firesign’s archivist, but he restores comedy vinyl.  All those pops and hisses that can kill a joke or a pause?  Yeah, he can smooth those over and …

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Comedy on Vinyl Podcast Episode 93 – Dan St. Germain on Patton Oswalt – Feelin Kinda Patton

Dan St. Germain takes a trip over the airwaves to say hello and have a chat about the huge influence of Patton Oswalt on his career in comedy.
Host: Jason Klamm
Producer: Mike Worden
This Week’s Guest: Dan St. Germain
Buy “Feelin’ Kinda Patton”

Comedy on Vinyl is reco …

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Comedy on Vinyl Podcast Episode 92 – Brandie Posey on Billy Connolly – Big Yin

The awesome Brandie Posey (Lady to Lady Podcast) talks about the man who helped solidify her choice to become a standup Billy Connolly.  Coincidentally, the first comedy album I remember listening to was a Connolly compilation, so it was a ton of fun to talk Billy Connolly and comedy in …

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