The Buddies brave the scariest of liquor, 56-proof Red Star Er Guo Tou Jiu, also known as “Chinese Jet Fuel.” The wives join them to take reaction pictures (it’s a thing, apparently). S’mike then shares the topic of his forthcoming scholarly thesis on Trump and high status behavior. Read all […]
The Buddies go full on nerd for this one, geeking out so hard and so fast that they never even say what they’re drinking (pineapple and mixed vodkas). Old school gaming magazines get brought out, favorite nerdy RIT stories are swapped and The Scottish Play gets brought up an absurd […]
Fringe Unicorns
In this episode, the Buddies drink Chartreuse two different ways while S’mike relays the wonders of the Toronto Fringe Festival. Also: Dueling OJ Simpson documentaries! Virtual Reality headsets! And absolutely no mention of Donald Trump for once! View Original Post and Listen to Episode Here: (via the Buddies […]
Of Puppies and Hugo Awards
The Buddies try a new twist on an old drinking favorite and discuss the usual suspects: Trump, gay Hugo Award nomination politics and the Thousand Islands. How typical! Also: Golden water wheels! Deadly wine Slushies! Profanity! View Original Post and Listen to Episode Here: (via the Buddies in […]
The Book of (Stupid) Questions
The Buddies wind their way through the current political landscape aided by the insight of good ‘ol Rusty Nails. Also, a correction to S’Mike’s CubeĀ is mansplained. It doesn’t take long, however, before they break the emergency glass and bust out their “back-up podcast theme” discussion prop, the 80’s best seller […]
S’Mike’s Greatest Fear Is Realized
In this special episode of Buddies In Space, Mike lays a clever trap for a mentally exhausted S’Mike, forcing him to come face-to-face with his greatest fear- getting cubed! Cut to that scene in the first Resident Evil movie, or the opening of Cube. Gross, right? Actually, Mike’s wife joins […]
Tipping Is a State of Mind
The Buddies sit down with devil-themed, double-blind gin flights and get down to discussing restaurant tipping. Restaurants killing tipping and the sociological phenomenon of under-tipping as a group gets dissected. #thestruggleisreal Mike pontificates on the psychological benefits of his diet, while S’mike poo-poos it. One thing the Buddies DO agree […]
The Geekelution of Justin Woodhouse
The Buddies are joined by friend and recovering “party ninja” Justin Woodhouse, who serves up the most deliciously geeky cocktail ever made by man. Or woman. Justin gets the BIS treatment, exploring the gradual embracing of his geekier side, cracking jokes and helping S’Mike to finally give Mike a hard […]
Red Nose, Redbreast
The Buddies get down with their Irish selves and tackle the Holiest of Grails, 120 proof cask-strength Redbreast Irish Whiskey. The booze be fancy, but can S’Mike keep up with Mike’s tastebuds? Listen to find out! Mike’s son’s eating woes get a good talkin’ about, and the Buddies finally discuss […]