Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour Podcast Episode 50 – Alien Paddingtons

This week, Dan and Jay celebrate episode 50 with special guest Taylor Jessen!  We stick to our digital-only stuff this time around, discussing the opener for our proposed sketch show “Dan and Jay’s Community Service,” which will also serve as the origin story for the podcast’s theme.  Video below.

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(via The Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour Podcast)


Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour Podcast Episode 49 – Micro-Brew-Penis


Dan and Jay discuss an early “fake history” sketch, improvised in Jay’s barn attic in 2001.  Dan plays what would become his fictional grandfather, Dan “Bloody Stump(s)” Gomiller.  Jay also discusses his other-worldly experience with hard root beer, one he doesn’t intend to duplicate, considering the fever dreams that resulted.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvquM66OarQ]

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Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour Podcast Episode 48 – Head Camera


To celebrate Daler Mehndi coming to America, it’s time to talk about our follow up video to our first Daler Mehndi tribute.  This time, in Ishq Da Charkha, Dan plays a musketeer, an old man, Indiana Jones and himself.  Oddly, this time, robot talk comes up, yet again.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ_fsK6tFYU]

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Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour Podcast Episode 47 – Mustard, Inc.


This week, the hilarious Allen Rueckert joins us to discuss our first feature film, “Looking Forward.”  While it doesn’t say “Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour” on it anywhere, there are DJCH clips (some of which you’re already familiar with) in it, because it’s based on Dan and my actual childhoods, if only loosely.  Also, Maury Povich gets a credit.  That kinda seals the deal.

Allen had almost no time to prepare and, while the film is entirely improvised, he still became the glue of the whole project.  Without his character, the story doesn’t make sense, and without his sincerity, the


Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour – Allen Rueckert and Zack Foulkes as Scott and Chad in ‘Looking Forward’ (2012)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k6x3dXsmXU]

Alright, kids, on Monday, episode 47 will premiere, with special guest Allen Rueckert, to talk about my first feature film, Looking Forward, in which Dan and I co-star, with Allen and a bunch of other insanely talented folks.  It’s basically a Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour joint, without the amazing branding.  Here, for your enjoyment , is a full clip of Allen’s first time meeting Zack, which also happens to be their first improv scene together.  Which also happens to be over the phone, because Zack was on the East Coast.  It’s one of my favorite things that didn’t make it all the way into the finished film (there are several clips in it, though).

– Jay

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Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour Podcast Episode 46 – Black America

Dan and Jay discuss the short film that got Dan his first IMDB credit, in which Jay plays Conan O’Brien.  They also discuss what might happen if superhero movies got ultra-ultra-misogynistic.

Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #BlackAmerica
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm 
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View Original Post and Listen to Episode Here: http://bit.ly/1cVY85w

(via The Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour Podcast)


Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour Podcast Episode 45 – Play-Doh Monster

Dan and Jay are joined by Ari to discuss our first “music video,” as well as Dan and Jay’s inventing a meme, and scary dreams as a child.
Find DJCHOUR on Twitter #PlayDohMonster
Do the same for Dan Gomiller & Jason Klamm & Ari Jarvis
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View Original Post and Listen to Episode Here: http://bit.ly/1dqkWer

(via The Dan and Jay’s Comedy Hour Podcast)
