Dear E-Mail Recipient: This is Not SPAM (From Jason Klamm’s blog) –

Dear Recipient of This E-Mail,

I want to thank you for your time in quickly making the consideration as to whether or not this e-mail is “SPAM,” or “junk mail.”  Let me quickly assure you this is not.  It is actually a cleverly-worded blog post by comedian and auteur Jason C. Klamm, B.A., pulled by a thoughtless aggregator with no concept of – or appreciation for – true art, thrown into a piece of mass-mailing software.  By sheer luck, it has ended up with you – a person who appreciates things.  It is my goal, then, to turn this e-mail – provided, of course, that your existing junk filters haven’t thrown this into the ether – into a spiritually- (at least) customized piece of digital art for your consumption and, if you wish, your dissemination by whatever means you deem necessary (neither telephone poles nor a co-worker’s desk can be flagged for spam!).

I do not require your money, your passwords, or your cooperation beyond simply reading on if, again, your filters deem it p
