Weeks 7 through 9 of Looking Forward: 2016 show the Klammpaign hitting the snags the team asumed would be things of the past. Jason might have a long-lost brother, Dan might not have a permanent place to stay in LA, “real America” is getting wind of Jason’s percevied politics, and […]
Looking Forward: 2016 – Week 7
Week 6 features an update from Kyle Frank, the guy who used to own all of the footage that became Looking Forward, as well as Jason’s former campaign manager, L.B. Barker talking about his men’s rights organization, “Men On Top,” and wraps up with some more leaked footage of the […]
Looking Forward: 2016 – Week 6
Looking Forward: 2016 continues with more intern interviews, another appetizing recipe, mustaches and family history, a mole getting rejected from the Klamm Campaign, and hunting for some real-life inspiration for a romance novel. Klamm Campaign Archival Footage Part 2 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NALl9EK9M7A] Subscribe to Watching Forward on YouTube Lueargne-ing to Cook with […]
Looking Forward: 2016 – Week 5
We wrap up the first month of Looking Forward: 2016 with an IT guy in upstate New York pairing beer with soda, some archival campaign footage leaked from an official campaign meeting, and our candidate himself discussing how important his political sabbaticals were over the past 12 years. Cilnt Westfall […]
Looking Forward: 2016 – Week 4
Week four of Looking Forward started off with a reporter named Rebecca Penn talking about a change of professional pace, then continued with a young man named Derick, reviewing movies on VHS. Trip Markle continued the week by speaking on eco-friendly gun rights and how Jason’s point of view aligns […]
Looking Forward: 2016 – Week 3
Last week, the world of the Klamm campaign got more and more intriguing, starting with appearances by Kyle Frank, the filmmaker who held the rights to the footage for the original Looking Forward documentary, who is introducing the world to the kind of work his production company is doing. Lloyd […]
Looking Forward: Weeks One and Two
The Jason Klamm campaign is heating up. These first two weeks have shown the candidate preparing to find a campaign headquarters, and in other corners of the internet, a group starts to coalesce, even if they don’t yet know it. What do these people have to do with the campaign? […]