Our first documentary feature, Lords of Soaptown, is available on Blu-Ray from Celery Sound Records. Lords of Soaptown is the insane true story of a sport called “Freestyle Walking.” You can find it on Blu-Ray at bit.ly/bluraysoaptown, and on DVD at bit.ly/soaptowndvd.
Lords of Soaptown on DVD December 6th
We’re proud to announce that our first documentary feature, Lords of Soaptown, directed by Jason Klamm, releases on DVD December 6th. You can pre-order the insane true story of a sport called “Freestyle Walking” at bit.ly/soaptowndvd today.
Vice Covers “Lords of Soaptown”
Vice’s Allie Conti just interviewed Jason about Lords of Soaptown. You can read it here: http://www.vice.com/read/a-new-documentary-alleges-that-the-idea-for-soap-shoes-was-stolen-from-some-teenage-pranksters-917
StolenDress Entertainment is 11 Years Old
As of May 11, we’re 11 years old – the corduroy anniversary. And what better time to point out that we’re moving into producing theatre? Coming soon, some very exciting news about a show we’ll be producing in Los Angeles shortly. As it stands, Lords of Soaptown is almost completed, […]