Demonic Vegans Shooting Acid

The Buddies sit down with artisinal Moscow Mules for a rousing play-through of their new favorite game, Superfight! A not-invisible Dr. Horrible squares off against his own insidious creation, and a unicorn with catlike reflexes gets a fancy upgrade. Mike then relays his experiences drinking in downtown Austin, TX, and […]


BIS Episode XXIX: The Spoiler Awakens

And thus, the spoilers begin. The curmudgeonly Buddies spare Star Wars Episode VII no quarter, and many a spoiler and plot weakness are discussed. And mocked. There’s some praise, too. Did we mention spoilers? Also, a REALLY good drink is created! More stories from the TV pilot filming! And seriously, […]


Myths and the Dark Side (of Geekdom)

“And lo, did Buddies In Space return to form.” No guests. No gimmicks. Just sheer, unmitigated, mildly antagonistic geek humor, baby! The Star Wars ticket pre-sale madness gets it’s due while hipster-Jamaican drinks are thrown together and consumed. Computer names and builds are discussed and then, inevitably, argued over. Warning: […]


May the Fourth Be With Your Wallet

The Buddies relive their Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica toy days from childhood, complete with REAL toy sounds (thanks, Youtube!) Also, Mike forces S’mike to begrudgingly talk about Star Wars on Star Wars day. Over and over and over again. The Star Wars Holiday Special might even get critiqued. Guess […]
