Rich Stroffolino is joined by esteemed social critic Phil Szabados to discuss the occasionally prescient novelization for Hackers. They discuss how the depictions of hacking have aged, if their only crime was in fact curiosity, and if Zero Cool is a better handle than Crash Override. View the original post […]
Novelization Realization Project: The Fifth Element
Rich Stroffolino is joined by Ben Weinberg to talk about Terry Bisson’s novelization of The Fifth Element. Is the been a thoughtful expansion of the movie’s unique setting, or a mandatory restructuring of the script into a novel on the most cynical level? Also discussed: self-loathing aliens, deleted scenes, and […]
Novelization Realization Project: Boldly Going Live
Rich is going where the Novelization Realization Project’s mini-episodes have never gone…by doing one by himself. But there’s tons of exciting news: April’s novelization, cool live events and contests, the VERY FUTURE OF THE PODCAST! View the original post and listen to the episode here: Boldly Going Live (via The Novelization Realization Project) […]
The Novelization Realization Project: Cabin in the Woods
Rich is joined by Jennie Josephson to talk about Tim Lebbon’s novelization of Cabin in the Woods. What happens when you take a masterfully self-aware script and let someone expand on it? Is it standing on the shoulders of giants to reach new heights, or simply gilding the lily? Does […]
The Novelization Realization Project: Howard the Duck
The Novelization Realization Project is dedicated to reading novelizations, exploring the process of the cinematic literary, and finding all the weird stuff the studios forgot to tell the author wasn’t going to be in the finished film.This time around, we’re talking about the novelization of Howard the Duck by Ellis Weiner. […]
Why Did I Buy This Episode 020: The Hard Way
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In this episode Ari and Dan discuss the very eighties nineties buddy cop film The Hard Way (1991). An examination of whether or not Michael J. Fox makes a convincing action star as well as the purpose and decline o