The Buddies get down with their Irish selves and tackle the Holiest of Grails, 120 proof cask-strength Redbreast Irish Whiskey. The booze be fancy, but
Tag: ny
Meals Ready To Eat Or Something
The Buddies knock back painfully spicy Jinn + Ja rum cocktails while committing the most cardinal of geek sins, reviewing a movie neither of them
So Exactly How Evil Is Mike Curasi, Anyway?
Find out here! Mike takes a very revealing personality test, with S’mike as his personal “Bullshit Caller.” Which is an incredibly important job, and don’t
S’mike Ruins Moxy Fruvous, or The Buddies Ruin Everything
It’s Debbie Downer time, kiddos! The Buddies sip on dry soda and gin and fall into the Pit of Despair, but instead of a lovable
Ol’ Laser-Tooth
The Buddies plumb the depths of their day and find humor in the mundane, from laser gum cleanings to shoveling snow off a deck over
Pissed Connections
The Buddies are at it again, and this time no corner of Craigslist is safe! On a suggestion from S’mike’s wife, BIS tackles the weirdest,
BIS Episode XXIX: The Spoiler Awakens
And thus, the spoilers begin. The curmudgeonly Buddies spare Star Wars Episode VII no quarter, and many a spoiler and plot weakness are discussed. And
The One We Did For Television
Join Buddies In Space as they film their first (and probably only) television episode for RCTV!!! That’s right, the Buddies make their bid to be
Vomiting Up Memories
Travel back in time, dear listener, as Buddies In Space hypnotize you and unpack your childhood recollections. Well, really they just unpack more of their