The Buddies stay on the health train by chugging kombucha grapefruit margaritas while exploring the batshit insane history of Marvel’s least favorite son, Captain Marvel. Mike also recounts the horrors of throwing his son two separate 4th birthday parties in one weekend, from which he is still recovering as you […]
The Novelization Realization Project: Howard the Duck
The Novelization Realization Project is dedicated to reading novelizations, exploring the process of the cinematic literary, and finding all the weird stuff the studios forgot to tell the author wasn’t going to be in the finished film.This time around, we’re talking about the novelization of Howard the Duck by Ellis Weiner. […]
Dinosaurs: They Certainly Were Big (2004)
Actually, this was created in 2002 for a science class at Columbia College Chicago, but when I put it on an early video-sharing site, it got enough views to get our video played on Frontier Airlines, and even got me interviewed in The New York Times, Chicago Sun-Times and some […]