The Buddies sip Perfect Gingers and discuss Game of Thrones’ “shark-jumping” tendencies, Charlottesville and the fact that No Man’s Sky is finally, a year later… an actual video game. Also: Demon steeds! Legend of Zelda snooze fests! And recreating Valerian’s lack of romance in Skyrim! Listen to […]
The Buddies Flick the Web with Special Guest Andrea Rizzo
The Buddies go non-alcoholic as they welcome special guest and budding voice actress Andrea Rizzo, an old friend of S’mike’s and a part of his mysterious, illusive past! Catchphrases are coined, copy is read and shocking things are revealed about S’mike* Hear Dre’s voice reels at! *Being completely boring […]
Crocodile Mike-dee
G’day, mates! In this rousing episode, the Buddies drink a kombucha concoction as Mike recounts his bizarre emergency two-week trip down under to Australia, complete with ridiculous stories from the natives, goofy observations and a plethora of bad luck. Plus: The confusion of walking on the left side! The taste […]
Mike Finds Serenity in a Firefly-Themed Loot Crate
In this Christmas episode, the Buddies sip a holiday-themed interpretation of the classic rum punch as S’mike helps Mike unbox his latest Firefly-themed Cargo Crate from Loot Crate. Mike doesn’t know what’s in it, which S’mike uses to torment his compatriot. Also… Tales from Opry Land! Near-matricide! The scariest roller […]
Kubo and the Two Mikes
The Buddies sip ghetto-chic Home Sweet Homes as they gush over the outstanding Kubo and the Two Strings and The Boy and the Beast. Also covered: Mike’s crazy new computer monitor set-up! Favorite anime! Curved television rants! Oh, and accents, too! View Original Post and Listen to Episode […]
No Mike’s Sky
The Buddies knock back an updated take on the Irish Buck cocktail as S’mike loses his $#!^ over No Man’s Sky. Mike mocks him extensively during this. Also covered: The lack of feminism in The Killing Joke! Subjective media! Mouth orgies versus dark alley rendezvous! View Original Post […]
Hail to the High Status, Baby!
The Buddies brave the scariest of liquor, 56-proof Red Star Er Guo Tou Jiu, also known as “Chinese Jet Fuel.” The wives join them to take reaction pictures (it’s a thing, apparently). S’mike then shares the topic of his forthcoming scholarly thesis on Trump and high status behavior. Read all […]
War Stories
Ever wonder what it was like working in a video store? Do you dream of delivering pizza? Well, Buddies In Space crush your dreams and steal your wonderment! Wait, somehow that doesn’t sound right… The Buddies relay their very best (and most ridiculous) recollections from their college jobs, complete with […]
With Special Guests Colin the Vampire Viking and Stuuuuuuuuuu!
The Buddies are joined by Colin the Vampire Viking, in his second BIS guest appearance, along with his long-time friend Stu Allen, two former members of horror movie podcast “The Death of Horror.” Horror movies and tropes get discussed and dissected, Mike drudges up one of his craziest NYC stories […]