It’s Debbie Downer time, kiddos! The Buddies sip on dry soda and gin and fall into the Pit of Despair, but instead of a lovable albino and the Six Fingered Man, instead the frightening real world creeps in. Ahhhhhhhh! Real worlds are scary, amiright? Depressing topics covered and mocked include […]
Ol’ Laser-Tooth
The Buddies plumb the depths of their day and find humor in the mundane, from laser gum cleanings to shoveling snow off a deck over and over and over again. All while drinking “Mediocre ‘Fuck-You Winter!’ Mojitos.” You’ll even learn the super-secret recipe for simple syrup! Shhhhhhhhhhhh. Things turn intriguing […]
Pissed Connections
The Buddies are at it again, and this time no corner of Craigslist is safe! On a suggestion from S’mike’s wife, BIS tackles the weirdest, creepiest and most desperate Missed Connections they can be handed (because they’re too lazy to find some themselves), and then mock the hell out of […]
Demonic Vegans Shooting Acid
The Buddies sit down with artisinal Moscow Mules for a rousing play-through of their new favorite game, Superfight! A not-invisible Dr. Horrible squares off against his own insidious creation, and a unicorn with catlike reflexes gets a fancy upgrade. Mike then relays his experiences drinking in downtown Austin, TX, and […]
BIS Episode XXIX: The Spoiler Awakens
And thus, the spoilers begin. The curmudgeonly Buddies spare Star Wars Episode VII no quarter, and many a spoiler and plot weakness are discussed. And mocked. There’s some praise, too. Did we mention spoilers? Also, a REALLY good drink is created! More stories from the TV pilot filming! And seriously, […]
The One We Did For Television
Join Buddies In Space as they film their first (and probably only) television episode for RCTV!!! That’s right, the Buddies make their bid to be Rochester-famous by filming a pilot of their podcast in front of a dead studio audience at Rochester City Television studios! This podcast was edited independently […]
The Hands of a Surgeon
Well wash your hands three times and grab a scalpel, healthy listener, ‘cuz Buddies In Space are gonna cut you open and stuff you full of…humor… OK, that started better than it ended up, huh? Mike shares why waiting on doctors sucks and how he coped with it (hint: it […]
Vomiting Up Memories
Travel back in time, dear listener, as Buddies In Space hypnotize you and unpack your childhood recollections. Well, really they just unpack more of their own childhood recollections. And instead of hypnosis, they use alcohol. So that entire lead-in sentence was a lie. The horrors of S’mike’s childhood are brought […]
Predator-Style Huntin’ Camo with Matching Manly Slippers
The Buddies old-man-it-up this episode, sipping on the premier seafood-based drink of Toronto. Also, a very sad review of Avengers is conducted, where James Spader’s Ultron is described as “douche bag Shakespeare.” Spoiler: they didn’t love it. What the heck happened to that movie?! Other discussion highlights include the unfairness […]