The Hoodoo Factory experienced some technical difficulties in the production of this episode. We apologize in advance if this isn’t quite the Hoodoo quality standard you’ve come to expect.


In this episode of The Hoodoo Factory we discuss the episode Led Zeppelin II. This is the third and final episode in our “Dave and Lisa” unit. Part A is the game show portion of the Hoodoo experience. In the ABSA Fever round we’ll discuss some of our favorite scenes, quotes, keepsakes, and more. In the Marty Party round we’ll discuss our answers to these hard hitting questions:

  • Is it The Real Deal (I buy it) or The McNeal Perspective (I’m selling it)?
    • Catherine’s best slap came in this episode.
    • Dave did the right thing by not firing Joe for starting the fire.
    • Dave was more wrong for pranking Matthew about the bathroom than Bill was for trying to lead a group down the stairs, against orders.
    • It was fair for Beth’s mother to ask if Beth set the fire, assuming that Beth has called her for reassurance in similar situations in the past.
  • Have an Adequate Day by playing “would you rather.”
    • Would you rather accidentally set a fire at work by being careless OR have your date break up with you by sending security to escort you from the building?
    • Would you rather have your boss corner you 2x a day to talk about his sex life OR have your boss tell you he doesn’t care about your point in front of everyone at a staff meeting?
    • Would you rather work with a jealous ex who keeps asking about your dating life OR reconnect with someone knowing there was a good reason for a split, but not being able to remember why?
    • Would you rather have everyone know that you’re hooking up at work with the boss OR be told your building is on fire, hear about it on the news, and you have to sit tight for now?
    • Bonus consequence: Have a piece of a popcorn kernel stuck in your teeth for 24 hours.

We hope you’ll play along. Feel free to tweet us your answers by tagging @Hoodoo_Factory on Twitter. Come back Thursday for Part B where we’ll discuss the episode in greater detail.

You can listen to the episode here.
