This last weekend, StolenDress Entertainment was proud to present an even hosted, organized and run by Of Dice and Dens (ODND), our first RPG podcast, to support Simply Cats, a no-kill, no-cage cat shelter. ODND tripled their original goal, and by the end of the weekend, the Tabletop Gaming Meow-rathon was the single highest earner to-date for this year’s Simply Cats fundraiser, helping to keep them running during a difficult time. We’re proud of all their hard work, and grateful to those who organized and participated in the six streamed games, those who watched, and those who gave during a difficult time. Time to celebrate!

As a bonus, you can STILL GIVE, so visit the link below to do so and to check out video of the games!

ODND Presents: A Tabletop Gaming Meow-rathon
